How To Get Approved With Dropship Suppliers

At this point in the process, you've determined your niche, you have a website, and you're ready to get some suppliers on-board. How do you get approved with dropship suppliers? 

This step is crucial, because you may only get one shot at making a positive impression with these potential business partners.

If you're not to this step, we recommend that you check out our blog post on finding dropshipping suppliers first. If you're completely new to this business, we recommend that you read our post "What is Dropshipping?"

Call Your Potential Dropship Suppliers, Don't Email Them

When contacting drop ship suppliers, we always recommend CALLING them. I have been approved with hundreds of drop shippers in the past. In most of these cases, I have only spoken on the phone one time and that one time is always my introduction call.

The reason we recommend calling is that it is much easier to get through to the right person than via email. This is the best way that I know how to get approved with drop ship suppliers. Calling is more personal and it will show that you are a serious business owner.

Once you talk to them on the phone, you can then get their e-mail address and if e-mail is your preferred method of communication, you will never have to call them again..

Keep Track of the Data that you Gather

At this point, you should have already compiled your “Master List” of suppliers. Before I start reaching out to my suppliers for my new niche, I always create an Excel sheet that looks like this:

[Note: You can use Google Spreadsheets if you do not have Excel]

This helps me to keep track of my contacts at each company and is necessary for staying organized when you are reaching out to hundreds of suppliers.

Column A should already be filled out with the information you gathered on your supplier master list. Fill out Column B as you go, by doing Google searches for the Column A suppliers names. Once you find their websites (99% of them will have websites) look for a contact number.

Again, I ALWAYS recommend calling the suppliers. If there is no phone number on the supplier's website, you should e-mail them, let them you that you own, and that you are looking to increase your product catalog by adding their products.

Explain that you would like to know who to speak to about setting up an account and always remember to include your contact information.

If there is a contact number on the supplier's website, you should call and tell whoever answers the same thing; that you own, you are looking to increase your product catalog by adding their products and that you would like to know who to speak to about setting up an eCommerce account.

If no one is available to talk, try to get their e-mail address and/or direct phone number to try back later. You may need to be a little persistent.

Example Phone Call Transcript

I try to keep my conversations as brief (and as effective) as possible; here is a typical conversation I have with the supplier's person in charge of opening new accounts:

“Hi [account managers name],

My name is Anton and I am the lead buyer for [MyCompany Inc], we currently manage ten different eCommerce stores in various niches and we recently noticed an opportunity in the [suppliers products] niche. We have just launched [] and we are looking for suppliers who are interested in working together.

Based on the market research that we have done my team and I are confident that our marketing techniques will make this new venture our most successful yet.

We are not looking for payment terms, we are just looking to build a solid business relationship. Can you tell me how we can go about applying for an account?”

What's Comes Next With Your Potential Dropship Supplier?

At this point, the eCommerce manager will typically tell you that there are some forms that need to be completed and ask where to send them.

Have your personalized e-mail address  ready to go and ask them to send it there.

Example: [email protected].

They may also tell you that they are not accepting any new retailers at this time. I always ask them when they will be accepting new applications and make a note in “Master List” Excel file.

NOTE: I typically do not tell the suppliers I own the company at first (unless they ask). This is because there are many suppliers who like to work with “larger” companies that have employees who take care of tasks such as recruiting new suppliers.

If the supplier is interested in doing business with you, they will then typically e-mail you a few basic forms that you need to complete. They need standard information from you such as your business name, address, phone number, and billing information.

It is important to complete these forms as soon as they send them and to send them back as soon as you finish filling them out. You want to keep the momentum rolling and push your account approval through as soon as possible. When I first started, I would sometimes receive an application then hold off a few weeks before sending them back.

Typically, an account manager will get back to you within a few days of submitting your application to inform you that you have been approved. They will provide you with an account number and contacts within their company.

What if I Get Rejected?

A difficult result, no doubt, but don't get discouraged! You can easily learn how to come back after you've been rejected by a supplier.

If you have any questions, leave them below and I'll be sure to help.

  • Hi Anton.
    Thank you so much for sharing this. I used to dropship with Dser app and China suppliers and now I would like to try with domestic suppliers. However, I wonder how do we push products from domestic suppliers to Shopify online stores since I’m sure it won’t be as easy as pushing products from China suppliers. The products from domestic suppliers involve price contract, MAP, etc and need to be approved by the suppliers to be pushed to Shopify store.

  • I have researched many so-called dropship courses and they range from “stealing” others products and websites to your course on Dropship lifestyle which happens to be the only sensible and legit training. I started the free training webinar but I have an unreliable Internet source and it removed me before I could finish the free training you offer.
    I have always owned my own successful businesses. Being 68 years old is never too old to start a new business! I am excited about learning more about drop shipping.
    I am a very organized person with a perfectionist attitude. When I set my mind on something it gets done!
    Thank you for being here!


  • Steven Swanson says:

    I currently own a business in the oil field in North Dakota. We do good but I do not want all my eggs in one basket like it is now. If oilfields slow down we are in trouble.

    With that said im going to start learning everything i can about dropshipping.

    I actually have been interested in dropshipping since 2015 i just never thought i could do it. Well, thats all changed now because i can do it, i am going to do it, and will be successful at it.

    I also have had an interest and a passion for this so even better.

    I started researching today and found your site and wow it is exactly the teaching that i am needing. It is spot on!

    What platform is used for keeping track of sales, revenue, profit, and everything else? Also, do I need to have an LLC to start and a business checking account?
    And is Alidropshipping a good site to use for my business?


    • Anton Kraly says:

      That’s awesome Steven and I’m happy you finally found us!

      I do recommend an LLC and a business checking account. This is covered in Module 0 of our coaching program called the Drop Ship Blueprint.

      Regarding how to track everything, we use Xero but in the beginning it’s not necessary as you can just use automations and Google Sheets to track everything. This is covered in Module 7 of the Drop Ship Blueprint.

      Wishing you nothing but success!
      – Anton

  • Anton Kraly says:

    Hey Everyone,

    As many of you already know I created Drop Ship Lifestyle after selling a network of eCommerce stores and then trying to find a community of other store owners to network with… What I found was a bunch of scammers who promised newbies they would get rich quick by following their push-button systems!

    This led me to create a new community along with an online training program that shares how to build a REAL online business.

    I’d love to hear what you think… it’s a 2.5-hour training designed to help you drop ship profitably… all for free.

    Be sure to click here to check it out and send me your feedback!

    If you go through the “How To Start & Grow A Hyper-Profitable Online Store” webinar and still have questions just contact me and I will help you out

  • Hi Anton! Thanks so much for sharing this!!! I was wondering, what if you don’t know wether or not the vendor engages in supplying or wholesaling their products? What if this is their first time? How might one phrase or conduct the conversation accordingly?

    • You’re welcome, Noah!

      I teach how to verify if a supplier works with online retailers (that’s us) in Module 4 of the Drop Ship Blueprint 🙂

      If you’re not a member, you can enroll here: Get Drop Ship Lifestyle.


  • Hi,Anton!What would you recommend for creating a custom professional email like my [email protected] I use Zoho, G suite or there is a good app for it or something else?Thanks in advance and also for all you share with us!

  • Greetings Anton,
    I am almost at module 5. I have learned so much it’s mind boggling how you are able to take something that in my old opinion was difficult to understand, and turn it into something that i can actually follow. I have my ideas for my stores and one of them you actually use as an example for a great store. however, i’m afraid the demographic is not right. everything is correct according to formula but the range is anywhere from 600-50k. do you recommend i still utilize these products for my first store. and again, thank you for all you do. i’m a single mom, struggling right now, and i finally have some hope.



    • Hi Kimia,

      I’m happy to hear you’re learning a lot and making progress!

      Since you’re already a member of Drop Ship Lifestyle, my advice is to use the Niche Selection Verification form we have built into the Drop Ship Blueprint (you can find the link in the sidebar when you’re logged into the member’s area).

      That way we can get a little more info on your niche idea(s) and help to verify 🙂

  • Hi,

    I have a question. I started contacting the brands, but what they send to me is a wholesale form. When and how could be the exact moment to discuss the “dropshipping” style? I can’t stock products, since I am just starting. I appreciate your help!

    • Hi Rita,

      What you want to do is ask them if they work with “internet retailers”.

      In my coaching program, I share my exact phone and email scripts that give you the best chances of approval 🙂

  • Thank you Anton,
    I got valuable advice from this post, especially the supplier master list.
    I am still starting the dropshipping business and your post was a good guideline.
    Thank you.

    • Anton Kraly says:

      You’re welcome, Sandrine! Wishing you nothing but success with your drop shipping business 🙂

  • Hey Anton,

    I’m currently a part of dsl and am on module 4. I’m going to start contacting suppliers very soon.

    If a supplier has a “become a dealer” page, do you still recommend i give them a call? I figure they’d just tell me to fill out that page anyway.

    I thought maybe that page means their bronze tier but they have a form on that page that requires me to adhere to their MAP policy so i’m not sure if they are bronze.

    Please let me know if you have the time. Keep up all the great work you’re doing and stay safe! Thanks!

    • Hey Ivan,

      I hope you’re doing well and staying safe too!

      I would fill out that form and see what happens. If you don’t hear back within a day or two, I would recommend following up with a call.

  • Hi Anton,
    I feel like the step before you call your suppliers is gray right now. After I find my niche, should I google products and then call the company to find out who the manufacturer is?

    • Hi Brittany,

      You don’t have to call the company. You can find the brand names right in the product titles and product descriptions 🙂

      You can learn about we find (and get approved with) suppliers here:

      Free Training From Drop Ship Lifestyle

      Hope that helps!

  • Hey Anton, great article as usual!

    Im facing an obstacle that i cant seem to overcome and hope you can help.

    Im living in Lebanon and would like to follow ur model and sell to the US with US suppliers.

    1) Do i need to form an LLC in the USA? Or is a business entity in Lebanon enough?

    2) do i need a US bank account in order to get approved with the supplier or is it possible i keep doing business using my Lebanese bank account?

    I would highly appreciate your reply to both points 1 & 2
    This is the only obstacle keeping me from taking action.


  • Hi Anton,

    You mention having the ‘dummy’ products in place to show how your online store will look before contacting your first suppliers. You also say, quite rightly else one could get into a pickle, that these shouldn’t be available to buy. By this do you mean leaving their stock level at zero, therefore making them listed as ‘out of stock’ on your site?

    Sorry if this seems silly question. Love all your content.


    • Hi Rachael,

      When we have dummy products on our stores the payment gateways are not enabled. This means that no one can buy 🙂

      You can learn more on my webinar here: Drop Ship Lifestyle Webinar

      Hope that helps!


    I’m new to Ecommerce and i’m in the process of starting my own ecommerce store but i’ve hit a some barriers.
    What should i source first the products or suppliers?

    2) In the process of creating my first online ecommerce
    site before approaching my first supplier, What Product
    photo / product description should i use for the sole
    purpose of approaching a supplier? and How to obtain

    3) Should i have a logo on my site before approaching a

    Thx in advance!

  • Hi Anton,

    Would this be the same script I would use on a 3rd party supplier? For example, let’s say I want to use a company outside of Shopify how do I go about asking them if they drop ship. If they do, how do I get them as my supplier?

    • Hi David,

      All of the suppliers that we work with have no direct affiliation with Shopify 🙂

      If you’re a member of Drop Ship Lifestyle, be sure to check out Module 4 where I show exactly how to locate (and get approved with) top tier suppliers:

      Drop Ship Lifestyle – Members Area
      If you’re not a member of Drop Ship Lifestyle, you should check out my webinar here:

      Drop Ship Lifestyle Webinar

      Hope that helps!

  • Hi there Anton,

    I have been watching a lot of your videos recently and in quite a few of them you say to never say you are a drop shipper to suppliers, as they spells out for them that you are a newbie. However, in this article with the examples of scripts, you mention drop shipper multiple times. Would you recommend I replace drop shipper with online retailer and ship direct to customer?

    Thank you,

    • Hi Madalyn,

      That is correct. And you can find all of our newest scripts (updated for this year) in Module 4 of the Drop Ship Blueprint.

      Hope that helps!

  • Hi Anton, great Blog, thanks for sharing. I have a question, How do i find later the roduct somebody order? for example I sell 100 different products and somebody order a dog leash, the products on Alli Express don’t have a unique code to indetified them. Any idea how to find out later on Alli Express wich product the client ordered?
    thanks so much in advance!

    • Thank you, Nubia!

      I do not use or recommend using AliExpress. We work with domestic suppliers and use the Drop Ship Lifestyle Shopify App to automatically forward orders to the correct supplier.

      If you’re interested in learning more, you can check out this link: Get Drop Ship Lifestyle.

      Thank you!

  • Jacob Parmenter says:

    Great content as usual! Love it. For someone starting out-is it crucial to ha e an established track record of successful stores? Will they ask for verification?

    • Anton Kraly says:

      Thanks Jacob!
      It’s certainly helpful to have a record of success BUT if you’re brand new you can still get approved with tons of Silver level suppliers.
      Once you get enough of them (and a history of traffic & sales), you can parlay that into Gold level supplier approvals 🙂
      Hope that helps!

  • Anton,
    I was wondering what is typically on a application form.
    Is it possible to post an example of what they might be looking for to be prepared to have all the necessary info ?
    Thanks So much
    I have been gathering as much info, notes and aspiration with your free lessons and I’m excited to join your team as soon as possible
    Thank you for your ongoing dedication !

    • Anton Kraly says:

      Hi Burton,
      Sorry, I don’t have any examples to share but they do all pretty much all ask the same things including:
      – Business Name
      – Contact Info
      – References (If applying for credit)
      – List Of Other Companies You Work With
      – EIN / TIN #
      They are all slightly different, but those are the most common things they will ask for.
      Hope that helps!

      • Demetrius says:

        Hi Anton I just got certified in Ohio to conduct business under my DBA and recently setup my business bank account. I thought I would need an EIN but they able to use my SSN to set it up so I never needed an EIN so should I register for one for supplier approvals or I’m fine ?

        • Anton Kraly says:

          I would recommend using an EIN rather than your SSN.

  • Hi Anton,
    I am from Viet Nam. What about supplier require address, phone number, and billing information, or maybe tax info..? How can I fill these info or I use my information ?
    Thanks you for great article,
    Trong Nguyen

    • Anton Kraly says:

      Hi Trong,
      This is a question that I would recommend asking on our forum… I’ve never been in this situation, but we have lots of international students who can help 🙂

  • Hi Anton
    What do you recommend if one is brand new, no other stores, no suppliers yet etc.

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