What is eCommerce? eCommerce 101 with Drop Ship Lifestyle

eCommerce is kind of a big deal.

Global eCommerce sales for 2019 made up roughly 14.1 percent of all retail sales, according to Statista. That comes out to around 3.7 trillion dollars. To give you some perspective, that's almost as much as the U.S. federal budget for an entire year. 

In 2020, this figure was expected to reach $3.9 trillion.

However, nobody expected the Coronavirus. COVID-19 has exploded the demand for certain eCommerce fulfilled goods/services and completely destroyed the demand for others.

So, we really won't know until the end of the year what the actual figure will look like. 

Regardless, there's no turning back with eCommerce. It's going to keep changing our lives for years to come. So let's answer the question today, "What is eCommerce?"

Big Wins and Hard Losses: High Stakes Stories from Canadian Casinos

Step into the thrilling world of Canadian casinos, where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye. Big Wins and Hard Losses are not just numbers on a screen but tales of triumph and heartbreak that resonate through the halls of these high-stakes establishments. From the glitzy lights of Niagara Falls to the sophisticated elegance of Vancouver's casinos, the gambling scene in Canada is a vibrant tapestry of stories waiting to be told.

In this article, we delve into the riveting narratives that unfold within the walls of Canadian casinos, exploring the adrenaline-fueled highs of monumental victories and the gut-wrenching lows of devastating defeats. From the strategic prowess of seasoned card sharks to the sheer luck of first-time players, each story is a testament to the unpredictable nature of the casino world. Join us as we uncover the allure, the risks, and the human drama behind the Big Wins and Hard Losses that define the Canadian gambling landscape.

Unforgettable Moments at the Casino Tables

Experience the thrill of high-stakes gambling through the captivating stories from Canadian casinos. From big wins that defy the odds to heartbreaking losses that test the limits of luck, these tales showcase the intense rollercoaster ride that players embark on.

Picture the scene of a player hitting the jackpot on a slot machine, with lights flashing and bells ringing in celebration. These big wins can be life-changing, instantly turning a regular day into one filled with excitement and possibilities. The rush of adrenaline and sheer joy felt by the lucky winner is palpable, creating an unforgettable moment in the casino.

Conversely, the world of gambling is not without its hard losses. Imagine the heart-wrenching moment when a player's winning streak comes to a sudden halt, leaving them with empty pockets and shattered dreams. The emotional toll of a significant loss in a casino can be devastating, serving as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of gambling.

Through these high-stakes stories, one gains insight into the highs and lows of the Canadian casino scene. Whether it's a big win that defies expectations or a hard loss that serves as a harsh reality check, each narrative adds depth to the thrilling world of gambling, where fortunes can change in an instant.

The Rollercoaster of Emotions in High Stakes Gambling

Players at Canadian casinos have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions with big wins and hard losses. One memorable story involves a lucky individual who hit the jackpot on a slot machine, walking away with a reported six-figure sum. The excitement and disbelief that follow such wins create an electrifying atmosphere in the casino, with onlookers sharing in the joy of the fortunate player.

Conversely, the reality of hard losses is also prevalent in the world of Canadian casinos. Many gamblers have reported significant setbacks after chasing big wins, highlighting the importance of responsible gambling practices. These stories serve as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of casino games and the potential risks involved in high-stakes play.

Some players have shared tales of redemption after enduring tough losses, showcasing resilience and determination in the face of adversity. These stories of overcoming challenges and learning from mistakes offer valuable insights into the world of gambling and the mindset required to navigate its ups and downs.

Overall, the high-stakes environment of Canadian casinos continues to attract players seeking thrills and excitement. While big wins and hard losses are inevitable in the world of gambling, each story shared adds to the rich tapestry of experiences that make casinos such captivating destinations for players across the country.

Strategies for Success in Canadian Casinos

Canadian casinos offer an exhilarating mix of high stakes and high emotions, where players can experience both big wins and hard losses. For many, walking into a casino is a thrilling adventure filled with the possibility of striking it rich. The sound of slot machines ringing, the sight of high-rollers at the tables, and the anticipation of a big win create an electrifying atmosphere that keeps players coming back for more.

Stories of big wins at Canadian casinos are legendary, with players hitting jackpots worth thousands, even millions, of dollars. These wins can be life-changing, turning an ordinary day into one filled with excitement and joy. Whether it's a lucky spin of the wheel on the roulette table or hitting a royal flush in poker, the feeling of winning big is unmatched. These moments of triumph are etched into the memories of those who experience them, becoming tales that are shared and celebrated among friends and fellow players.

However, the flip side of the coin in the world of Canadian casinos is the hard losses that players can face. Gambling can be a rollercoaster of emotions, with the highs of winning often accompanied by the lows of losing. For some, chasing that elusive win can lead to significant financial setbacks and emotional distress. The thrill of the game can quickly turn into heartbreak when luck is not on your side, reminding players of the risks involved in the world of high-stakes gambling.

Despite the highs and lows, Canadian casinos continue to attract players from all walks of life, drawn by the promise of big wins and the excitement of the gaming floor. Whether it's the allure of the bright lights and luxurious surroundings or the thrill of testing your luck against the house, casinos offer a unique blend of entertainment and risk. For many, the stories of big wins and hard losses serve as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of gambling, where fortunes can change in an instant, leaving players on the edge of their seats, hoping for that next big win.

Tales of Triumph and Defeat in the World of Gambling

At Canadian casinos, the thrill of high-stakes gambling can lead to unforgettable moments of big wins and heartbreaking losses. Players from all walks of life flock to these establishments in pursuit of the ultimate adrenaline rush that comes with risking it all at the gaming tables. Whether it's the spinning roulette wheel, the clinking of slot machines, or the intense poker tournaments, Canadian casinos offer a diverse range of experiences that can either make or break a player's night.

For some lucky individuals, the casinos become the stage for life-changing moments when they hit the jackpot or walk away with a massive win. These big wins can be the stuff of dreams, turning an ordinary evening into a tale of incredible luck and fortune. However, the flip side of the coin is the hard losses that can leave players devastated and questioning their decisions. The high stakes nature of casino games means that the thrill of victory is often accompanied by the agony of defeat.

Despite the risks involved, the allure of Canadian casinos continues to draw in crowds seeking excitement and entertainment. The stories of big wins and hard losses serve as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of gambling, where fortunes can change in an instant. Whether it's the jubilation of hitting a royal flush or the heartbreak of busting out, the high stakes environment of Canadian casinos promises an unforgettable rollercoaster ride for all who dare to test their luck.

Exploring the Allure and Risks of High Stakes Gaming

Step into the thrilling world of Canadian casinos, where high stakes and big wins create unforgettable stories. Picture the excitement of a lucky player hitting the jackpot on a slot machine, their eyes widening in disbelief as the coins pour out. These big wins are not just about money but also about the sheer thrill of beating the odds and walking away with a life-changing sum.

However, amidst the jubilation of big wins, there are also hard losses that remind us of the unpredictable nature of gambling. Stories of players who bet it all on a single hand of cards or a roll of the dice, only to see their fortunes crumble before their eyes. The highs and lows of Canadian casinos offer a glimpse into the rollercoaster of emotions that come with risking it all in pursuit of that elusive win.

As the stories from Canadian casinos reveal, the world of high-stakes gambling is a rollercoaster of big wins and hard losses that captivate players and spectators alike. From the thrill of hitting the jackpot to the heartbreak of a devastating defeat, these narratives showcase the highs and lows of the casino experience. Whether it's the allure of fortune or the adrenaline of risk-taking, one thing is clear: the world of Canadian casinos is a place where luck and strategy collide in unforgettable ways, leaving players with tales that will be retold for years to come.

What Is eCommerce?

The term eCommerce refers to the electronic purchase and sales of goods or services via the internet

Instead of a customer being required to enter a physical location or make a phone call to make a purchase, they can make that purchase online. They can browse a company’s website (or a marketplace), find what they need, and complete the transaction via the website.

This allows customers to shop from the comfort of their homes, and it enables companies to reach customers that they may not have been able to reach before.

A Brief eCommerce History

While most people probably think that eCommerce is a recent invention from within the last 10-15 years, they aren’t correct.

eCommerce has its roots as far back as 1991 during the birth of the internet.

Book Stacks Unlimited was one of the earliest eCommerce websites. It started back in 1992 and even competed with Amazon. It was eventually bought out by Barnes and Noble.

Here's an image of Barnes and Noble's website way back on December 1st 1999. 

barnes and noble ecommerce wayback

Seems incredibly dated and clunky now, but this was cutting edge in 1999! There were a few web developers that were very proud of what they'd put together here.

It took years for companies to embrace and harness this power. And today, eCommerce is now a platform that no business can be without.

How eCommerce Sales Are Conducted

eCommerce sales are simple at their core and chances are overwhelmingly high that you have participated in eCommerce yourself.

A customer selects the items/services that they want, they place them in an online shopping cart, they proceed to checkout, and they input their shipping and payment information. At this point, the transaction is complete. The retailer will now fulfill their end of the bargain. They may ship your goods, send a downloadable product to your email, allow you to access a program, etc. It depends on what you've purchased.

Types Of eCommerce

Types Of eCommerce

There are six basic styles of eCommerce. 

1. Business to Business (B2B)

This refers to the commerce between two businesses.

2. Business to Consumer (B2C)

This is the most common form of eCommerce that we all think of. This involves consumers buying goods or services from a business on a website.

3. Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

This type of eCommerce takes place between two consumers (think Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace). An entity like PayPal or Venmo serves as the method to transmit payment electronically.

4. Consumer to Business (C2B)

This happens when a consumer sells their goods to businesses, such as a photographer taking pictures for a company or a graphic designer completing a logo for a business.

5. Business to Administration (B2A)

This involves transactions between companies and public entities around such items as legal documents or social security.

6. Consumer to Administration (C2A)

This type of eCommerce involves consumers using electronic services to book goods and services from public entities, such as filing taxes.

eCommerce Business Models

eCommerce comes in a variety of different models.

1. Retail Sales

In this model, you have the product and you sell the product on the internet. A customer buys it, you ship it to their front door.

  • Pros: 
    • Relatively straightforward
    • No middle-man so you keep more of your profits
  • Cons: 
    • Difficult to pivot
    • More work (you have to maintain the digital side of your company and the product fulfillment side)

2. Wholesale

Selling your products to other businesses, often for them to resell. Wholesale eCommerce sites usually require you to setup an account with them so that you can view their prices and products and make a purchase. They have to ensure that you're a business and not an end-consumer because they don't charge sales tax. They also generally have a minimum order amount.

  • Pros: 
    • Large orders
    • No end-customer contact
  • Cons:
    • Smaller margins per unit sold
    • Slow to pivot

3. Drop Shipping:

Drop Shipping involves selling a product that you do not physically have. You create an arrangement with a supplier where you sell their products online and they ship them for you. We teach students how to run profitable drop shipping businesses here at Drop Ship Lifestyle.

  • Pros:
    • Easy to Pivot
    • No inventory to worry about
    • Can be done from anywhere
  • Cons:
    • Smaller margins than retail
    • Less control over products

4. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is sort of a weird one. It involves collecting money from donors in order to bring a product or service to market. GoFundMe is a well-known crowdfunding website.

Here's a campaign from GoFundMe for Hoop Bus. 

hoop bus ecommerce

And if you're thinking, "Isn't 25k a lot of money to attach a hoop to a bus?" You'd be correct. They're also shooting a documentary to track their travels across the country.

  • Pros:
    • You're receiving money in exchange for promises
  • Cons:
    • You have to deliver on the promises that you made eventually or risk having to give the money back

5. Subscriptions

Recurring automatic purchases for services or goods, traditionally on a weekly or monthly basis. For instance, internet service or a meal-kit service.

  • Pros:
    • You get money from your customers regularly
  • Cons:
    • Customers have to be consistently happy with your service or they may opt for a competitor

6. Print-on-Demand

Print-on-Demand involves selling something that doesn't exist, creating it, and shipping it to your customer. T-shirt companies are the most notable example of this. They sell a concept for a shirt on their website or allow a customer to design it for themselves, then they print it onto a blank stock shirt, and send it to the customer.

Zazzle is currently offering Print-on-Demand Face masks.

zazzle ecommerce
  • Pros:
    • Easy to provide a HUGE array of design options
    • Highly customizable to individual customers
  • Cons:
    • You're selling generally inexpensive items that aren't being mass-produced
    • Easily replicated by competitors that have the appropriate equipment

7. Digital Products

Items that can be purchased and accessed or downloaded online. These items are generally immediately available after purchase, such as courses, eBooks, and video games.

Purchasing an ebook on Amazon is a simple example of a digital product. It's available for download right after you purchase it.

ecommerce ebooks
  • Pros:
    • No physical inventory
    • Customers immediately access your product/service
  • Cons:
    • Capable of being bootlegged or shared by users

8. Services

Some common services you might find online would be tax preparation, search engine optimization, or resume creation.

  • Pros: 
    • Can be done from anywhere
  • Cons:
    • Considerable competition

eCommerce Security Concerns

With a new form of commerce came new challenges as well. One of the biggest being securing customer data and payment information. There are several steps that retailers should take to secure this data.

Use HTTPS protocols and SSL/TLS certificates

SSL/TLS certificates are a layer of protection that a business needs across its entire site to protect their customers (and themselves) from cybercriminals. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It's the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and encrypting any sensitive data that is sent between two systems. This keeps criminals from accessing any transferred information.

SSL was originally used only on the payment processing section of a website, but now businesses are using this security on their entire site. As cybercrime increases, this provides one more level of protection to a site and its customers.

TLS stands for Transport Layer Security. It is simply a more updated version of SSL that features greater security. Many professionals in the web security industry still refer to TLS as SSL though.

Once you have acquired an SSL certificate, your site will be displayed as HTTPS in the URL.

Verify the CVV and AVS of cards used for purchases on your platform

Credit card numbers are available for purchase if an individual knows where to look, unfortunately. You strengthen the security of your processing system by requiring the security code from the back of the card. It’s highly unlikely that a cybercriminal has the card physically with them.

AVS (address verification services) is also an excellent security tool for a business to have. These systems can help your business detect fraudulent purchases by checking to see if packages are being shipped to a customer’s actual address. While these systems are still fallible,they  still provide excellent layers of security to you and your customers.

Using multilayer security

No security system is foolproof, so eCommerce retailers are encouraged to have multiple layers of security for their site. A firewall is the first layer of protection for any retailer. Second, is having Access Control. This puts restrictions on what users are able to do on your site. And third, bot protection is incredibly important. This is because 95% of all wesite attacks are done by bots.

CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) are helpful for preventing DDoS (denial of service) attacks. CDN's help to ensure a DDoS attack doesn’t reach the origin server and make your site completely unavailable.

Perform transaction monitoring

It's helpful to use software programs that spot potentially fraudulent transactions. You don’t have to vet each and every purchase from your website. There is a good chance that isn’t even possible. But using software to spot potential issues is important for your business. You can then flag those transactions for further review, and potentially save yourself from fraud.

Avoid storing payment information

While it may seem like a convenience to save a customer’s payment information for future transactions, this is a liability. You don't want to be held responsible if your servers are breached. 

Allowing PayPal integrations with your site is a good solution for this. Customers can perform quick transactions and you don't have to worry about storing sensitive information.

Benefits To Businesses With an eCommerce Presence 

  • Additional Revenue

eCommerce sales grow every single year. Online giant Amazon did 280 billion alone in sales in 2019. Companies cannot afford to miss out on the opportunity to capitalize on this channel of selling.

A well-developed online site helps raise the profile of any brand. 

  • Brand Exposure and Market Growth

Traditional stores are limited by their location; eCommerce stores remove that barrier.

Shoppers visiting your eCommerce store also save the time and hassle involved in traveling to your store, as well as dealing with any parking issues at your shopping center, etc.

  • Extend and Improve Your Consumer Experience

Use eCommerce as an extension of your current brick-and-mortar store experience. Many companies utilize store inventory to fill eCommerce warehouse shortages and vice versa.

For clothing retail companies, it isn’t uncommon to find additional colors and sizes available online that aren’t for sale in the store. This permits brands to extend size ranges and color pallets without needing to rent more square footage of retail space.

To drive traffic to both shopping destinations, clothing stores can have items that are online exclusives and retail exclusives.

Successful brands don’t see eCommerce as a threat; they see it as one more way to grow and develop their business. They use both channels to work together in building their brand.

Does eCommerce Have A Negative Impact On Traditional Brick-and-mortar Retail Locations?

Yes and no. eCommerce has been cited as the cause of the current “retail apocalypse." While online sales can seriously affect traditional outlets, it opens new doors for them as well. It's up to business owners to adapt to the changing times. 

Click-and-Collect eCommerce

Brick-and-mortar stores can implement Click-and-collect eCommerce to take advantage of eCommerce.

This simply involves consumers placing an order online for in-store pickup. There's no upcharge for this service with customers and it streamlines the shopping process. This practice has been rapidly implemented since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic.

So, in this way, eCommerce has saved thousands of brick-and-mortar businesses across the country. Going forward, these retail stores should see this as an opportunity outside of just being a solution for the current global pandemic. 

Price Awareness

eCommerce does lead to more shopping around for the best price. 

You've no doubt done this yourself. You go to a retail store and find the item you're looking for, but it's more expensive than you expected.

What do you do?

You pull out your phone and begin price shopping online.

Because of this, brick-and-mortar stores should ensure that they're pricing their goods competitively.

A few dollars over an online price is usually not enough to lose a sale. At that point, people are usually more motivated to receive the item instantly for a slightly higher cost. But the further apart your price and the online price are, the more likely they will order the item and leave your store empty-handed.


What is ecommerce and how does it work?

The term eCommerce refers to the electronic purchase and sales of goods or services via the internet.

Instead of a customer being required to enter a physical location or make a phone call to make a purchase, they can make that purchase online.

How do I get into eCommerce?

1. Decide on the type of eCommerce business you'd like to start.

2. Find a profitable niche for you to exist in.

3. Apply for an EIN, as well as any applicable permits/licenses.

4. Create a website.

5. Setup a fulfillment system for your product or service

Is eCommerce the future?

Absolutely. eCommerce sales grow with each passing year. Global eCommerce sales were expected to reach $3.9 trillion in 2020.

Wrapping Up "What is eCommerce?"

eCommerce isn't going anywhere. It's going to keep improving over time and it will continue to change the way that we live our daily lives. There is limitless opportunity for almost anybody to start capitalizing on it. 

If you have a brick-and-mortar store, start integrating eCommerce into it.

If you don't have a business, but you want to get involved in eCommerce, start a dropshipping business, or a blog, or an affiliate website.

Whatever you do, keep your eyes peeled for new opportunities and keep learning.

  • Hey Everybody,

    I hope this gave you a better understanding of how to get started with eCommerce.

    If you’re interested in learning more, check out my free 2.5-hour training.

    My course is designed to help people of any experience level get the results that they want out of Drop Shipping and eCommerce.

    Click here to check it out and send me your feedback!

    If you go through the “How To Start & Grow A Hyper-Profitable Online Store” webinar and still have questions, contact me. I’ll help you out.

    • Hi,

      For the free session do you have any pdf or posts that I can read and follow? Video sessions are now difficult for me to adjust the time for.

    • Amazing stuff Anton…as always.
      I’m almost ready to make the jump and was wondering where to find suppliers? I keep coming up with AliExpress. Also, do you recommend finding a product first and then building a store around that?

      • Thanks, Paul!

        I’d recommend checking out the dropship supplier section of our blog.

        Here’s the link:

        Dropshipping Suppliers.

        To answer your second question, I follow a 7-step process every time we build a new store.

        Step 1) Niche Selection
        Step 2) Market Research
        Step 3) Web Design
        Step 4) Supplier Approvals
        Step 5) Conversion Optimization
        Step 6) Get Traffic
        Step 7) Outsourcing & Automation

        It’s called the Drop Ship Blueprint and you can learn more here:

        Get Drop Ship Lifestyle.

        Hope that helps!

        • Hi Anton, thank you for this article , it’s very useful. I have a question- I am looking to set up a Shopify e-commerce store as sole trader in the UK. The law requires me to state my name in addition to my business name on the website ;format – [myName] trading as [businessName] . I prefer not to put my personal details out there , especially because this a side hustle and not my full time occupation at this stage. Do you have any pointers to how I can get around this, like for example using design tricks using small fonts or anything else ?

          • Anton Kraly says:

            I would just form a business entity that can trade as itself or as your website name.

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